Check out the weather in your favourite holiday region

Current weather forecast for Kappl

Everyone knows how tricky it can be to pack the right clothes for your holiday. Will it be raining and do I need to pack something warm to wear? To help you choose the right outfit and footwear for your holiday, it’s useful to check out the latest weather forecast.

In addition, it’s a good idea to take a look at our webcams and snow depth reports to get all the information you need for your upcoming holiday in Kappl. Get ready for your trip and check out the current weather forecast!

  • 3° / 20°
  • 0% / 0%
  • 8 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 3200 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Weather forecast

Low-pressure activity over Western Europe and the western Mediterranean region is increasingly extending into Central Europe. However, the foehn-like southward flow will bring predominantly friendly, dry, and once again early summer-like warm weather to the Alpine region, especially on the northern side of the Alps, on Wednesday. Only along the main Alpine ridge, a weak southward flow will bring more clouds and a slight chance of precipitation during the day. On Thursday and Friday, low pressure influence will generally prevail. With predominantly heavy cloud cover, sunshine will be limited, and occasional precipitation should be expected. Additionally, there will be a temporary cooling, with the snow line dropping below 2000 meters above sea level on Friday. The weather will become somewhat milder but persistently changeable over the weekend. Saturday will see a mix of sun and clouds, accompanied by a light foehn-like south wind, keeping the chance of precipitation very low. Sunday is expected to be sunnier, but also more prone to showers.

  • 7° / 19°
  • 0% / 20%
  • 6 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 3100 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • 7° / 16°
  • 60% / 60%
  • 2 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 2800 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • 6° / 11°
  • 90% / 50%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1900 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • 5° / 16°
  • 20% / 30%
  • 4 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 2700 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Current conditions

  Temperature Wind* Webcam
Kappl 1,180 m 20 °C - Open
Diasbahn Bergstation 1,830 m 10 °C 0 km/h Open
Alblittkopf 2,700 m
3 °C 24 km/h

* With the measured wind speeds bargain on a 10-minute average. Gusts which may reach higher wind speeds will go under this time. Wind gusts may be 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 times over the 10-minute average.